Have you ever thought, ‘Circular economy sounds cool, but what does it actually mean... and what am I supposed to do with it?’

Well, you’ve come to the right place!

At circle of circularity, we’ve spent many years diving deep into every aspect of the circular economy. And now, we want to help you not just understand what circularity is, but more importantly, how to actually do it!

World of circularity

Are terms like ecodesign, sustainable design, and circular design leaving you puzzled?

Unsure about the distinctions between recycling, downcycling, and upcycling?

Perhaps you're uncertain about where to begin in embracing the comprehensive notion of circularity.

Maybe you recognize the worth of circularity and the circular economy, but your colleagues don't share the same perspective.

It doesn't have to be complicated, just step-by-step and realistic, with maybe a touch of guts, but also with impact and satisfaction.

Shall we walk together?

  • As fan of circularity, you are curious and want to understand the essence of circularity. What a great starting point! Explore the free content via this link and maybe you will become a friend of circularity.

  • As friend of circularity, you are interested in circular design, delving into concepts such as design for disassembly, traceability, logistics, recycling, digital passports and more ... to close the loop. Feel free to choose the programme that suits you via this link.

  • Embracing circularity and implementing it in a project or company is a step towards sustainability and change. If you want to engage colleagues or employees in this circular transition, it is important to take an inclusive and educational approach. Through this link, you can already find some possibilities.

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